Sunday, 8 January 2017

On Golang and Exceptions

I have been programming professionally in Golang for a couple of years now and I have to say that I really like the language. My first experience of Golang was a bit of a drop in the deep end, coming into a new job where I would be using Golang as my main language with no real experience. Yet, despite this, it did not take very long before I became productive. I believe that this is partly due to the simplicity of golang and its density/ economy of language features.

Golang was designed to be a small, strict and opinionated language. The small size reduces the required learning time, strictness ensures users do not form harmful habits such as ignoring warnings or leaving unused variables lying around and its opionatedness puts an end to bikeshedding about things like brace placement. This is in contrast to a language such as C++, massive and sprawling and certainly intimidating to a newcomer. The size and complexity of C++ provides many places for the concealment of pitfalls. And an effective understanding of the quirks and gotchas of the lanugage is deservedly highly valued in the corporate world. The problem with giving you this much rope is that it is long enough to hang yourself many times over. Sure, it is powerful but it is shows little respect for your sanity if you are not well directed in your work. Golang also tries to avoid introducing magic where possible. By magic I mean, a feature that hides a sufficient amount of complexity so as to appear 'magic' to the uninformed.

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' - Arthur C Clarke

One of the magical language features that got the chop in Golang is exceptions. Recently, when doing some work in Python I noticed that I didn't really miss exceptions, they complicated the control flow a lot and caused me much fear and consternation. This is because exceptions are magic, they can cause unexpected jumps in your code based on non-local conditions and inject complexity. They are another thing that you constantly have to think about when writing code. I find that multiple return values, available in both Python and Golang, is a much more intuitive and useful feature that largely subverts the need for exceptions.

'But it doesn't even have exceptions' - reaction of an old workmate when I told him I was now working in Golang.

I see how exceptions can be useful in standardising error reporting, which is great. We've all had to deal with a function with obscure error reporting, that say returns an int value, and we end up asking, does 0 denote an error, what do negative values mean? etc. However Golang also standardises this by providing the error type and interface providing a standard with room for extensibility.

I understand that not allowing exceptions complicates the success case code as often 'if err != nil {...)' is liberally applied. However one really needs to consider if these minor gripes are worth adding extra complexity to the language and burdening the programmer with as an extra concern.

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